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Goals Redefined

Soccer in Mission Viejo

When it comes to the best field position for soccer teams, Mission Viejo has a clearcut edge. Whether the goal is finding the right place for off-season conditioning, or a national youth tournament, teams and players agree there’s no better experience.

Soccer players/teams will appreciate:

  • World Cup Soccer and USA soccer training and competition
  • 14 fields within a 5-mile radius which can all be marked specifically for soccer.
  • Many fields have lights, making them available for evening practice sessions and games.
  • Experienced competition and organizational support staff at the city and facility level.
  • Ideal outdoor training conditions; average July temperatures of 85 degrees with virtually no rain.
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Mission Viejo’s Major Soccer Events

  • Julie Foudy Soccer camp held annually
  • 7-acre park
  • 2 lighted soccer/football fields
  • Ability to host large scale tournaments with easy access to 6 adjacent fields.
  • Ability to utilize overlays to create multiple fields.
  • Dedicated restrooms and outdoor patio for private events.
  • Potential for outdoor concerts and events
  • Parking for 240 cars
  • Accessible to Orange County’s best walking trails
  • Adjacent to downtown shops and restaurants
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